Tuesday 27 August 2013

I was initially excited to start the ECP as it was a start to a new chapter in my life. I was also especially excited for ISC as it was a new subject that I never encountered before. However, when we actually started with the work, my excitement soon withered away. It was a huge adjustment from high school to university as I had to make new friends:( and get used to the long hours. At the beginning I thought Life Science would be fun, but unfortunately it was extremely boring in the first semester as we focused on plants and cells:'(. We do waaay too many unnecessary activities and watch too many videos that normally caused majority of the class to lose interest. Sometimes I dont even see the point in coming to class as we have to self-study the work. Life Science practicals were sometimes fun as you get to view thing under the microscope and learn many new things. The thing I hated the most about the lfs practicals in the first semester is that they gave us a lot of surprise quiz's which I often failed:/. The Life Science Tut marks in the first semester sucked!!! Unfortunately my tutor is a Ph.D student that marks extremely strict which caused our group to have sucky marks while the other students in the other groups had sky high marks:(. 

I was never really good at math on high school so I was scared of math, particularly now that we are on university. My math marks basically sucked in the first term since I failed every second tut we wrote but somehow by the grace of the good Lord i managed to pass. Since a lot of our math lectures are in the morning, i bunked them because my bed felt extra warm and cozy that mornings:) and that caused me to fail many of my tuts:'(. Second term I pulled up my socks, worked harder and managed to get an A for the midterm test:D. I dont like math nor hate it as it helps me to think on my toes nad keep me busy.

Aaah then there is ISC 153. I don't even know where to begin:/. Well for starters ISC makes me feel dumb, when we have to annotate articles in the course reader book, most of the time I have no idea what the article is about and it feels as if I am reading a foreign language, some of the articles does not even relate to Life Science! They give us tasks and expects us to complete it within an hour and the workload is sooo heavy jeez. However, I do enjoy the computer literacy and Living and learning classes as it is more laidback. 


  1. lol jaide i know how you feel but there there dear...im here for you

  2. omg..totally agree with what you said in paragraph 1...having a Ph.D student mark your work is crap :(

  3. ECP has made a huge adjustment on my skills as a whole it has made me eager to learn more
